Antídotos para un paraíso fake

This Thursday, July 29, the documentary of Arquitecturas Colectivas, "Antídotos para un Paraíso Fake" -Antidotes for a fake paradise- will be presented at Atlàntida Film Festival, which will be screened at the Can Ribas factory in La Soledad, in Palma. After the screening there will be an interview session with the participation of the director, Pau Caracuel, Ivonne Moll (women's group), David Juarez (Straddle3 and co-founder of AACC), Caterina Ramis (Amics de la Soledad), Siro Santos (LaFabrikaDeTodaLaVida, AACC) and Maria Gómez (Architect, Ciutats Inclusives) with the moderation of Carles Gispert and Meritxell Esquirol Salom (Aatomic Lab).

The XII edition of the International Meeting of Arquitecturas Colectivas was held in Palma, in the neighborhoods of La Soledad, Nuevo Levante and Es Molinar, between September 25 and 29, 2019. The meeting had focused on the imposition of false paradises and mechanisms of urban transformation that expel people from their neighborhoods, and the consequent situation of deficit in the culture of common goods. The documentary shows the testimony of a large part of the actions that were carried out during the AACC sessions. It explains to us the need and the value of generating a network of emerging initiatives in the territory which work as protagonists in a collaborative and demanding manner.

Find below the links for the trailer and the tickets.

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