Assembly manual of a mobile structure

Manual for the DIY assembly of a light structure for the activation of disused spaces.

Hart etxea was assembled for the first time in Errentería, in March 2012. The program of activities linked to the structure was named KABIA, Espacio CreaCtivo. In Santa Coloma de Gramanet the project was called SNTK BESÓS LAB, driven by iDensitat and promoted by the Besòs Consortium and the City Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet in June-October 2014.

The structure consists of steel bars joined by knots and covered with a PVC tarpaulin, creating a vaulted space with two half domes at the ends. Although it can be assembled in different shapes and dimensions, for its standard configuration the necessary dimensions have been taken as starting point to house a standard multi-sport track and a lateral tier (30 × 15 meters - 450 m2).

The structure was born as an urban activator idea, with the aim of transforming, together with the surrounding neighborhoods, degraded urban spaces in places that can be used by and for citizens.


The participatory and integrating nature of this portable equipment provides that both the installation, as the planning and deployment of activities, are developed in the form of workshops open to the community, generating new projects and synergies, in which the protagonists should be the citizens.

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Straddle3, M-etxea, TXP
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