Marjal Urbana
Competition of ideas for the design of a skatepark and the urbanization of its surroundings
La Marjal is a term in Valencian used to define a zone of humid territory, usually near the sea, and of great natural wealth. Of Arab origin -Al-mrah- meaning meadow or large area, the marshes are wetlands that host numerous plants and animal species that develop their activity in close relationship with the sea.
An intermediate zone …
The proposal developed for the Plaça de l'Ona was born from the idea of reproducing the concept of Marjal as an intermediate zone between urbanized territory and the sea. An area where different ecosystems coexist. The richness, diversity and attraction offered by La Marina de València are conducive conditions for the generation of a space of these characteristics, in which high-intensity activities and resting areas coexist in balance.
“Marjal Urbana” intends to recover this natural relationship with the sea through a flexible and permeable space, and for this purpose, proposes to carry out certain actions in the place.
-Value of the natural elements. It is proposed to adapt the space to the plant specimens that the square is currently hosting, expanding the tree stands and the landscaped surfaces. In the same way, actions are also proposed to facilitate access to the sea. The "renaturalized" Plaça de l'Ona is a piece that completes the system of greens that punctually dot the harbor.
-Integration of the skatepark. Artificial topography. The design of the skatepark aims to solve its integration with the environment and with the floor plan through the generation of an artificial topography that accommodates different uses.
-Generation of shadow. Installation of small modular pergolas that provide shade throughout the project and that are able to carry vegetation.
-Unification of space and pavement treatment. A single floor plan capable of solving access and circulation (pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles ...).
An intermediate zone …
The proposal developed for the Plaça de l'Ona was born from the idea of reproducing the concept of Marjal as an intermediate zone between urbanized territory and the sea. An area where different ecosystems coexist. The richness, diversity and attraction offered by La Marina de València are conducive conditions for the generation of a space of these characteristics, in which high-intensity activities and resting areas coexist in balance.
“Marjal Urbana” intends to recover this natural relationship with the sea through a flexible and permeable space, and for this purpose, proposes to carry out certain actions in the place.
-Value of the natural elements. It is proposed to adapt the space to the plant specimens that the square is currently hosting, expanding the tree stands and the landscaped surfaces. In the same way, actions are also proposed to facilitate access to the sea. The "renaturalized" Plaça de l'Ona is a piece that completes the system of greens that punctually dot the harbor.
-Integration of the skatepark. Artificial topography. The design of the skatepark aims to solve its integration with the environment and with the floor plan through the generation of an artificial topography that accommodates different uses.
-Generation of shadow. Installation of small modular pergolas that provide shade throughout the project and that are able to carry vegetation.
-Unification of space and pavement treatment. A single floor plan capable of solving access and circulation (pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles ...).

Competition website -
Association Tinglados skateboarding Valencia
Competition panels [21.0 MB]