Tactical accommodations of inclusive repopulation

  • ¿Qué es ATRI?

  • Diferentes oportunidades urbanas

  • ATRI Casos

  • Diagrama de gestión ATRI

  • Sistemas constructivos aptos para ATRI

  • Oportunidades en el Raval Sur y Gòtic Sur

  • Oportunidades en el Raval, zona de Drassanes

  • ATRI Arc del Teatre

  • ATRI Cesire

  • ATRI Sant Pau

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Is there any "space left" in the city? Can opportunities be "invented" when they do not seem to exist? Should we depend exclusively on "free land"? ATRI is an experimental strategy that aims to explore alternative ways to increase the public housing stock in the city in a quantitative and qualitative way. Its deployment is based on timely intervention and blurred in small promotions of execution, faster, cheaper, fair and sustainable than conventional systems. To compact, to stitch, to heal The strategy of urban "surgery" and "dentistry" pursues the objective of inclusive repopulation of the neighborhoods, which are the most subject to the impacts of the tourism industry and the vagaries and imbalances of the real estate market.

In many cities, ​​the consolidated fabric still have many available voids. These are detrimental to the city because they diminish their compactness, but at the same time represent an opportunity to increase the public housing stock in central locations.


The #ATRI strategy proposes a method of "urban dentistry" that understands these voids as the cavities and plans to fill them with residential "fillings".


The need for building a large amount of housing is not necessarily  detrimental to the quality of the urban fabric. Guaranteeing the right to housing must also mean guaranteeing the right to a neighborhood and the right to the city.


The #ATRI strategy is committed to a constructive system that redistributes wealth and opportunities among the small hands, which make up the productive fabric. This system of dry construction will allow the capacities of diverse professional agents and the future users to participate in the process.


Participation in the construction process will have multiple advantages. On the one hand, it will lower the costs of construction and make it possible to promote a greater number of homes. On the other hand, it will allow the users to participate in decision making about the distribution of their own homes. Finally, it will encourage collaboration between future neighbors and, therefore, produce social fabric before the work is finished.


We propose a project methodology that introduces flexibility in different layers of the process, and that works together with future inhabitants. In addition to participation, we would like to promote adaptability to different coexistence schemes; the gender perspective, the sense of belonging and social integration. 


We start from the assumption that the housing allocation system allows getting to know a significant percentage of future users in this project phase. In this phase the detailed program of housing and common spaces with a commission open to new inhabitants will be prepared, and the ability to involve them in the assisted DIY phase, which we call "White Stage", will be dimensioned.


ATRI also proposes to operate as a booster agent that helps to create employment and recover the small and medium size productive sector, the ones that were most affected by the crisis. It will conduct investment and public contracting in the development of housing to deploy opportunities for a broader range of companies, including the ones rooted in the territory, that usually have no access to traditionally big public contracts.

February 2017
Straddle3, Álex Giménez, David Bravo, Pablo Feu, Eulia, La Hidra Cooperativa, ...
Ivan Gallardo, Joaquim Pasqual, Tonet Font, Santiago Cirugeda, Eva Morales, Ramon Piella, Àlex Martin y más
ATRI es una respuesta complementaria ante la emergencia habitacular que se ha iniciado desde la Gerencia de Vivienda del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y el Patronato Municipal de la Vivienda de Barcelona, a partir de una línea de investigación desarrollada por David Juárez, David Bravo y Álex Giménez.
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